Vacancy -- Development and Quality Leader, Translation Service

Working for the Civil Service

The Welsh Government's recruitment processes are underpinned by the principle of selection for appointment on merit on the basis of fair and open competition as outlined in the Civil Service Commission’s Recruitment Principles.

The Civil Service Code sets out the standards of behaviour expected of civil servants.

Vacancy Details

Chief Operating Officer’s Group
Translation Service
SEO - £41,700 - £49,370
Appointment is expected to be at the bottom of the pay scale, but in some circumstances there is flexibility to offer a starting salary of up to point 3 of the pay scale.
Full time (applications are welcome from people who work part time, as part of a job share or who work full time)
Pan Wales
'Pan Wales' means that the location in which the vacancy can be based is flexible, subject to the needs of the business. Please note it may not always be possible to accommodate a preference for a specific office location, but requests will be taken into consideration.
i'w gadarnhau

Purpose of Post:

Dyma swydd broffesiynol yng Ngwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n gofyn am gyfuniad o sgiliau gwas cyhoeddus craff ac ieithydd profiadol. Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn aelod allweddol o Uned Ddatblygu’r Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu. Dyma’r uned sy’n gyfrifol am ddarparu arweiniad a chefnogaeth i’r Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu cyfan – a’r Llywodraeth yn ehangach – ar faterion yn ymwneud ag arddull cyfieithu, terminoleg, sicrhau ansawdd, datblygu sgiliau cyfieithu proffesiynol, a hyrwyddo’r Gwasanaeth fel canolfan ragoriaeth.

Bydd yr Arweinydd Datblygu ac Ansawdd yn benodol gyfrifol am:

  1. Arwain y gwaith o sicrhau bod defnyddio technoleg yn gwella ansawdd ac effeithlonrwydd gwaith cyfieithu
  2. Arwain y gwaith o osod safon arddull glir ar gyfer gwaith cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru, a chynnal ac ehangu agweddau annherminolegol BydTermCymru a’r Arddulliadur
  3. Arwain prosesau sicrhau ansawdd ymatebol ar gyfer gwaith cyfieithwyr mewnol a chyflenwyr allanol y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu
  4. Arwain rhaglen ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau proffesiynol cyfieithwyr ar bob lefel yn y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu
  5. Denu a datblygu adnodd cyfieithu addas

Key tasks:

1. Arwain y gwaith o sicrhau bod defnyddio technoleg yn gwella ansawdd ac effeithlonrwydd gwaith cyfieithu

  • Monitro ansawdd cynnyrch y system cof cyfieithu a chyfieithu peirianyddol yn rheolaidd dros amser, gan gydweithio ag arbenigwyr TG i weithredu ar y canfyddiadau a gwella’r cynnyrch
  • Arwain y gwaith o gynnal a chadw cofau cyfieithu er mwyn gwella ansawdd cynnyrch y cof, gan gynnwys datblygu arweiniad i gyfieithwyr ynghylch swyddogaeth Ceidwaid y Cofau
  • Cefnogi’r gwaith o sefydlu system cof cyfieithu a banc termau newydd y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu, a datblygu’r defnydd ohoni
  • Hybu a hyrwyddo defnydd arloesol o dechnoleg i gefnogi gwaith cyfieithu, drwy ymchwilio i ddatblygiadau yn y maes a rhannu arferion da o fewn y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu

2. Arwain y gwaith o osod safon arddull glir ar gyfer gwaith cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru, a chynnal ac ehangu agweddau annherminolegol BydTermCymru a’r Arddulliadur

  • Bod yn bwynt cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer ymholiadau arddull gan gyfieithwyr mewnol ac allanol y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu, gan gynnwys arwain ar ymholiadau ynghylch ymgyrchoedd cyhoeddusrwydd, sloganau, arwyddion mewnol a theitlau (ee mewnflychau, swyddi yn y Llywodraeth, adrannau’r Llywodraeth, teitlau cwrteisi ar gyfer deddfwriaeth, dogfennau, sefydliadau, cynlluniau, mentrau, rhaglenni)
  • Bod yn bwynt cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer ymholiadau ieithyddol a gramadegol
  • Mynd ati’n rhagweithiol i adolygu’r canllawiau arddull presennol a gyhoeddir yn yr Arddulliadur ar BydTermCymru, a chynhyrchu canllawiau ac adnoddau newydd, gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau cyfeirio safonol yn sail ar gyfer gwaith ymchwil pellach ac ymgynghori’n fewnol ac yn allanol
  • Gweinyddu gwaith a chyfarfodydd Panel Safoni Arddull y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu
  • Ar gais Pennaeth yr Uned, cynrychioli’r Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu mewn cyfarfodydd allanol ynghylch materion arddull ac ansawdd ieithyddol

3. Arwain prosesau sicrhau ansawdd ymatebol ar gyfer gwaith cyfieithwyr mewnol a chyflenwyr allanol y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu

  • Datblygu gweithdrefnau ar gyfer asesu ansawdd gwaith a gynhyrchir gan gyfieithwyr mewnol y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu a chyflenwyr cyfieithu allanol pan fo angen gwneud hynny
  • Hyfforddi uwch-gyfieithwyr i gyfrannu at yr asesiadau ansawdd, gan gynnwys llunio a chynnal canllawiau clir ar eu cyfer
  • Cyflwyno adroddiadau i benaethiaid y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu, ac i reolwyr fframwaith cyfieithu allanol y Llywodraeth yn ôl y galw, ar ganlyniadau'r holl asesiadau ansawdd, a gwneud argymhellion ar y camau priodol i'w cymryd yn eu sgil
  • Cyfathrebu â chyfieithwyr mewnol a chyflenwyr allanol yn ôl y galw, gan gynnwys darparu adborth ar ganlyniadau’r asesiadau ansawdd a’r camau sydd i'w cymryd yn eu sgil
  • Sicrhau bod negeseuon pwysig a ddaw i’r amlwg yn sgil y rhaglen asesu ansawdd yn cael eu rhannu drwy gyfrwng BydTermCymru a/neu gyfryngau priodol eraill, a bod y cyfieithwyr mewnol ac allanol yn rhoi’r penderfyniadau hynny ar waith
  • Sicrhau bod asesiadau ansawdd ymatebol yn rhan allweddol o weithrediad fframwaith cyfieithu allanol y Llywodraeth.

4. Arwain rhaglen ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau proffesiynol cyfieithwyr ar bob lefel yn y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu

  • Sicrhau bod y Fframwaith Datblygu Cyfieithwyr yn cael ei roi ar waith yn effeithiol ar gyfer cyfieithwyr y Gwasanaeth, gan gynnwys rheoli’r broses o ymgeisio am ddyrchafiadau i swyddi uwch-gyfieithwyr
  • Adolygu’r Fframwaith Datblygu Cyfieithwyr er mwyn darparu rhaglen gynefino a datblygu addas ar gyfer cyfieithwyr a gaiff eu recriwtio yn y dyfodol (ar lefel EO neu HEO)
  • Gweithredu Cynllun Datblygu Proffesiynol Parhaus ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau proffesiynol staff y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu, gan gynnwys cydlynu cyfleoedd datblygu, cynhyrchu deunyddiau, a darparu hyfforddiant neu gefnogaeth un i un
  • Datblygu fframwaith yn cymhwyso’r Proffiliau Llwyddiant a strwythur graddio swyddi’r Llywodraeth i’r proffesiwn cyfieithu yn y Llywodraeth

5. Denu a datblygu adnodd cyfieithu addas

  • Ymwneud â rhanddeiliaid allanol gan gynnwys prifysgolion er mwyn cyfrannu at ymdrechion i ddatblygu’r proffesiwn cyfieithu yng Nghymru, gan gydlynu cyfraniad y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu at gyrsiau fel y bo’n addas
  • Rheoli a chydlynu rhaglenni ar gyfer cynnig cyfleoedd profiad gwaith i fyfyrwyr prifysgol, ac interniaethau i raddedigion
  • Rheoli’r gwaith o asesu sgiliau cyfieithu fel rhan o brosesau recriwtio ar gyfer holl swyddi’r Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu, gan gynnwys paratoi profion addas, cynnal ac addasu gridiau a chanllawiau asesu, cyfarwyddo a hyfforddi’r aseswyr, a sicrhau cysondeb o fewn ac ar draws prosesau asesu
  • Cyfrannu at brosesau caffael fel y bo’r angen, gan gynnwys drwy gyfrannu at lunio manylebau a gwerthuso ceisiadau (asesu ansawdd gwaith cyfieithu a gyflwynir, ac arfarnu tystiolaeth sy’n ymwneud â sicrhau ansawdd a datblygu proffesiynol).


  • Cydweithio’n agos â gweddill aelodau’r Uned Ddatblygu er mwyn sicrhau ei bod yn cynnal ei holl swyddogaethau mewn modd effeithiol ac effeithlon
  • Cyflawni unrhyw dasg resymol arall ar gais penaethiaid o fewn y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu.

Development opportunities:

  • Cyfle i arwain ar agweddau allweddol ar ddatblygu’r proffesiwn cyfieithu Cymraeg/Saesneg a helpu i roi ar waith agweddau ar y weledigaeth ar gyfer y proffesiwn a amlinellir yn strategaeth Cymraeg 2050 a strategaeth fewnol y Llywodraeth, “Cymraeg. Mae’n perthyn i ni i gyd”
  • Cyfle i gydweithio ag arweinwyr proffesiynol mewnol ac allanol er mwyn darparu rhaglen ddatblygu proffesiynol o’r radd flaenaf ym maes cyfieithu
  • Cyfle i gydweithio â’r sector addysg uwch yng Nghymru a chyfrannu at hyfforddiant a datblygiad cyfieithwyr y dyfodol
  • Cyfle i ddatblygu adnoddau arddull o fewn arlwy BydTermCymru, sy’n gyfrwng i Wasanaeth Cyfieithu’r Llywodraeth rannu ei adnoddau â’r proffesiwn cyfieithu yn ehangach
  • Cyfle i ddatblygu’r defnydd o’r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf ym maes cyfieithu, gan ymwneud ag arbenigwyr TG y Llywodraeth.

Closing Date:

06/09/2022, 12:00


Posts recruited to as part of this recruitment campaign are broadly open to UK nationals, those with right to remain and work in the UK and those that meet the Civil Service Nationality Rules only. Check your eligibility here:

Prior to appointment, all successful applicants will be required to produce original, acceptable documents as part of the pre-employment checks. If it becomes apparent at a later stage in the process that you aren’t eligible to apply, your application will be withdrawn, or offer retracted.

Equality and Diversity

The Welsh Government is committed to providing services which embrace diversity and which promote equality of opportunity. This is underpinned by the Equality Act 2010 and will be adhered to at each stage of the recruitment process. Our goal is to ensure that these commitments are also embedded in our day-to-day working practices with all our customers, colleagues and partners.

We are committed to being an anti-racist organisation and increasing diversity in the Welsh Government by removing barriers and supporting all our staff to reach their potential. We are committed to recruiting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people and disabled people who are currently under-represented in Welsh Government.

We welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, marriage and civil partnership (both same sex and opposite sex), impairment or health condition, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, gender identity or gender expression.

We are a Stonewall Diversity Champion and a Disability Confident Level 3 (Leader) organisation. Key to supporting this work and providing peer support are five Board sponsored Staff Networks (Disability Awareness and Support (DAAS); Minority Ethnic Support Network (MESN); Mind Matters (Mental health and well-being); PRISM (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex +) and Women Together.

Disability Confident

A Great Place to Work for Veterans

This vacancy is part of the Great Place to Work for Veterans initiative.

Welsh Language Requirements

The Welsh Government is a bilingual organisation and Welsh language skills are considered an asset to the organisation. We encourage and support staff to learn, develop and use their Welsh language skills in the workplace. 

The following list of language requirements represents an objective assessment by the line manager on behalf of the Welsh Government of the Welsh language skills required to undertake the duties of this particular post.

Full understanding of all work related material
Can understand all work-related conversations
Can prepare written material for all work-related matters

Social Partnership

In Welsh Government, the relationship between the employer and trade unions is based on social partnership. We believe our goals can best be achieved by management and trade unions working together.

Our 3 recognised trade unions are:
•         PCS
•         Prospect
•         FDA

This relationship is underpinned by a partnership agreement. This sets out how our unions work with Welsh Government on issues such as:
•         pay
•         terms and conditions
•         policies and procedures
•         organisational change.

Our Welsh Government trade union colleagues work together to give their members a real say in the workplace. They make sure that the interests of their members are promoted and protected. They also help reduce inequalities and improve terms and conditions.

The Welsh Government has an excellent track record of working in partnership with its trade unions. We encourage staff to get involved. We support you to join a recognised trade union, to ensure your voice is heard in the workplace. and to learn more about trade unions and partnership working.

Competencies / Job Specific Criteria


Newid a Gwella

  • Chwilio am gyfleoedd i greu newid effeithiol ac awgrymu syniadau arloesol ar gyfer gwella. Adolygu ffyrdd o weithio, gan gynnwys ceisio a darparu adborth.

Gwneud Penderfyniadau Effeithiol

  • Defnyddio tystiolaeth a gwybodaeth i gefnogi penderfyniadau a chyngor cywir, arbenigol. Ystyried yn ofalus yr opsiynau, y goblygiadau a risgiau eraill o benderfyniadau.


  • Show pride and passion for public service. Create and engage others in delivering a shared vision. Value difference, diversity and inclusion, ensuring fairness and opportunity for all.

Rheoli Gwasanaeth Safonol

  • Cyflawni amcanion gwasanaeth gyda rhagoriaeth, arbenigedd ac effeithlonrwydd proffesiynol, gan ystyried anghenion cwsmeriaid amrywiol.



  • Profiad o weithio ar lefel uwch fel cyfieithydd neu olygydd Cymraeg, neu mewn disgyblaeth berthnasol


  • Sgiliau drafftio, cyfieithu a golygu o’r radd flaenaf yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg
  • Y gallu i ddarparu cyngor proffesiynol i swyddogion ar bob lefel ynghylch materion ieithyddol a gweithredol

Assessment Process

Cam 1:

Cyflwyno ffurflen gais. Disgwylir ichi gyflwyno eich atebion yn Gymraeg, ac eithrio yn achos y Dystiolaeth o’r Cymhwysedd ar gyfer y trydydd ymddygiad, sef Arweinyddiaeth / Leadership. Disgwylir ichi ddarparu’r dystiolaeth ar gyfer yr ymddygiad hwn yn Saesneg.

Cam 2:

Bydd ymgeiswyr sy’n llwyddo yng Ngham 1 y broses yn cael eu gwahodd i brawf ysgrifenedig a chyfweliad drwy Microsoft Teams. Cynhelir y cyfweliad yn Gymraeg, ac eithrio’r cwestiwn ar gyfer y trydydd ymddygiad, sef Arweinyddiaeth / Leadership, a ofynnir yn Saesneg.

Other Information

  • Unless stated otherwise in ‘actual starting salary’, all candidates will start at the minimum of the pay scale being appointed to (this includes existing civil servants).This is not negotiable.
  • Unless stated otherwise in ‘type of opportunity’, this recruitment advert is not open on a Loan or Secondment basis.
  • For more information on the eligibility criteria and terms and conditions for Loan and Secondment positions in Welsh Government, please see external recruitment candidate guidance.
  • Unless stated otherwise in ‘Location of Post’ the role/s recruited to via this campaign can only be worked in the UK, not overseas.

This is an advertisement for the post of Quality and Development Leader in the Translation Service. It is advertised in Welsh only as it requires strong Welsh language skills.

Bydd disgwyl i’r ymgeisydd a benodir aros yn y Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu am o leiaf ddwy flynedd cyn gwneud cais i symud i swydd arall yn Llywodraeth Cymru.

Gellir e-bostio i drefnu sgwrs anffurfiol ynghylch gofynion y swydd.

How to apply

All applications for this vacancy should be made online via the Welsh Government's online application system.  If you have an impairment which would prevent you from applying on-line, please e-mail to request an application pack in an alternative format, or to request a reasonable adjustment related to an impairment in order to submit your application.

To apply, you'll need to have an account on our online application system.  Click the 'Apply' button below, and you'll be asked to 'Log in' if you already have an account, or 'Register' if you don't yet have an account.  Registration takes just a few minutes to complete.  You'll need an e-mail address to be able to register.  Once you've registered for an account and logged in, you'll be taken to the online application form, which you'll need to fully complete and submit before the deadline on the closing date.  

If you’d like to apply for this vacancy in Welsh, please use the ‘Newid Iaith / Change Language’ link at the top of this page, to take you to the Welsh version of this advert, from which you can apply in Welsh.

For further information regarding the Welsh Government recruitment process, please see the Recruitment Guidance for External Candidates (link).

When evidencing your suitability for the post, it is recommended that you refer to:

Grievance and Complaints

Anyone who believes they have been treated unfairly, or has a grievance or complaint, about how the process was conducted should either write to the Head of Resourcing, Welsh Government, Cathays Park 2, Cardiff CF10 3NQ or email  If you are unhappy with the outcome of the complaint raised with the Welsh Government and feel that the principles of appointment on merit through fair and open competition have not been met you have the right to pursue your grievance with the Civil Service Commission.

This vacancy is closed to applications.