Vacancy -- Chair, Deputy Chair and Six Non-Executive Members - Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care

Vacancy details

Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care
The location of the Citizen Voice Body (CVB) is still to be agreed. The post holders may be required to travel to locations across Wales to attend meetings and perform other duties associated with the roles. Where effective some meetings will be held via digital platforms.

Chair - £256 per day/£15,400 per annum, paid monthly or quarterly in arrears as agreed.

Deputy Chair - £226 per day/£13,600 per annum, paid monthly or quarterly in arrears as agreed.

Non-Executive Member - £198 per day/£9,504 per annum, paid monthly or quarterly in arears as agreed.

Where the Chair, Deputy Chair or a Non-Executive Member are allowed time off from their current employment with pay to perform their duties, they will receive no additional remuneration for undertaking the role. They will be treated in the same way as other employees who are given paid time off to undertake public duties. 


You will be entitled to be reimbursed, if appropriate, against receipts for travel and subsistence expenses incurred while on business for the CVB. Expenses must be claimed within three months of them being incurred unless there are exceptional 

Childcare and other dependent expenses may also be paid, on production of receipts, for additional costs incurred while undertaking activities on behalf of the CVB.

Time commitment

The time commitment for these roles is based on a notional time commitment of:

Chair – Five (5) days per month.

Deputy Chair - Five (5) days per month.

Non-Executive Member – Four (4) days per month.

However, this will be subject to organisational demands and may be higher than the minimum requirement.

Welsh Language Requirements

Welsh Language Skills will be essential for two successful candidates and desirable, but not a pre-requisite, for the remaining appointments. However, all candidates will be expected to show commitment towards the language and culture, and demonstrate leadership to strengthen and promote bilingual service provision within the NHS and social care in Wales. The level of skill required is as follows:

Understanding  – can understand routine work-related conversations.
Reading  – can read some routine work-related material with support e.g. dictionary.
Speaking  – can converse in most work-related conversations.
Writing  – can prepare routine work-related material with checking

Understanding  – can understand basic conversations about everyday topics.
Reading  – can read simple material on everyday topics with understanding.
Speaking  – can converse in some work-related conversations.
Writing  – can write basic messages on everyday topics.


Function of body

The Citizens Voice Body (CVB) will exercise the following functions in accordance with the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020:

a. to represent the interests of the public in respect of health services and social services by seeking the views of the public about these services. Health services is broadly defined as services provided under or by virtue of the National Health Services (Wales) 2006 Act for or in connection with (i) the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness or (ii) the promotion and protection of public health. Social services are similarly broadly defined by reference to local authorities’ social services functions as set out in section 143 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. In doing so, the CVB must in particular have regard, where appropriate, to the importance of face-to-face engagement with its staff, or others acting on its behalf, and 
individuals from whom views are being sought. (section 13);

b. to promote public awareness of its functions, publish a statement of policy setting out how it proposes to do this and how it intends to seek the views of members of the public. The statement must also, in particular, specify how the CVB proposes to represent the interests of, be accessible to, and ensure its staff and volunteers can engage effectively with people throughout Wales. This will facilitate greater engagement of the public with the CVB. In order to represent the interests of the public it will be essential the CVB has a strategy to maximise its engagement with members of the public across Wales, using all resources that are available to it. It is our hope that this will enable the CVB to reach large numbers of the public with online polls, discussion groups and consultations. This is seen as key to enabling it to reach greater numbers and more diverse groups of people, whilst also having regard to the importance of face-to-face engagement, where appropriate. The CVB will need to engage 
not only with current service users, but past users, prospective service users, family members of service users etc. in order to ensure that when they seek views they are as representative as possible. (section 14);

c. to make representations to Local Health Boards (LHBs), NHS Trusts, Special Health Authorities and Local Authorities about any matter it considers is relevant to the provision of health services or social services having sought the views of the public.
This allows the CVB to, for example, make representations to LHBs and Trusts about matters relating to changes in NHS services and could also make representations to local authorities in relation to proposed change in social services. It could also make representations relating to the public’s experience of health or social services. (section 15). It would not involve making representations about individual cases as that is the purpose of the complaints advice and assistance function (see below);

d. the power to provide advice and assistance with complaints relating to health and social services. The CVB will be able to provide assistance to such extent as it considers necessary to meet reasonable requirements to individuals making or intending to make the following kinds of complaint:

i. NHS complaints – the CVB will provide advice and assistance in respect of complaints made under an NHS complaints procedure.

ii. social services complaints – the CVB will provide assistance with a complaint to a local authority about social services provided or arranged by the local authority (apart from a group of complaints made by children and young persons where local authorities are already under a duty to arrange assistance.
iii. complaints to a regulated social care provider; this enables the CVB to assist persons who wish to make a complaint directly to a provider of a regulated service as defined in section 2 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016. Currently, this means the CVB could assist with a complaint made directly to a care home, a provider of secure accommodation, a residential family service centre, an adoption service, a fostering service, an adult placement service, an advocacy service or a 
domiciliary support service (as defined in Schedule 1 and in regulations made under section 2 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016). 
iv. complaints to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about health services, social services, care home providers or domiciliary care providers.

Role description

This is a unique and exciting opportunity to be part an organisation which will make a difference to the people of Wales. The establishment of the CVB will strengthen governance and accountability, represent the interests of the public and operate across 
health and social care.

Role and responsibilities

The role of the Chair, Deputy Chair and Non-Executive Members as a member of the Board is to:

- provide effective leadership; defining and developing strategic direction and setting challenging objectives;

- promote high standards of public finance, upholding the principles of regularity, propriety and value for money;

- lead and promote a culture for the organisations which is based on positive values and behaviours;

- ensure the CVB’s activities are conducted efficiently and effectively within a strong governance and accountability framework and in a manner consistent with the “five ways of working” (as set out in The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act
  2015); and

- monitor performance to ensure the CVB fully meets its aims, objectives and performance targets.

To do this the Board and its members must:

- ensure effective arrangements are in place to provide assurance on risk management, governance and internal control; 

- establish an Audit Committee chaired by a Non-Executive Member (but ot the Chair) to provide it with independent advice; and

- assure itself of the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management systems. 

The personal responsibility of the Chief Executive, as Accounting Officer, to ensure regularity, propriety and value for money in no way detracts from that of members of the Board, who each have a duty to act in a way which promotes high standards of 
public finance and for ensuring that the CVB’s activities are conducted in an efficient and effective manner. They must not give the Chief Executive instructions which conflict with the responsibilities of the Chief Executive as the CVB’s
Accounting Officer.

In particular the Board is responsible for:

- establishing and taking forward the strategic aims and objectives of the CVB consistent with its overall purpose, the Well-being goals and within the policy and resources framework determined by the Welsh Ministers; 

- ensuring the Welsh Ministers are kept fully informed of any changes likely to impact on the strategic direction of the CVB, or on the attainability of its targets, and of steps needed to deal with such changes; 

- ensuring compliance with any statutory or administrative requirements in respect of the use of public funds; the CVB operates within the limits of its statutory authority and any delegated authority agreed with the sponsor department, and in accordance
  with any other conditions relating to the use of public funds; and in reaching decisions, it takes into account guidance issued by the Welsh Government;

- ensuring it receives, and reviews regularly, financial information concerning the management of the CVB; it is informed in a timely manner about any concerns as to the activities of the CVB; and, where applicable, it provides positive assurance to the
  Minister via the sponsor team appropriate remedial action has been taken to address any such concerns; 

- demonstrating high standards of corporate governance at all times, including by using the audit committee to help the Board to address key financial and other risks; and

- appointing, with the prior approval of the Welsh Ministers, a Chief Executive. 

The Board may, to the extent permitted by the Health and Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020, delegate to staff responsibility for the administration of day-to-day management issues but it remains ultimately responsible and 
accountable for all those matters. The CVB must maintain a list of matters which are reserved for decision by its Board as well as a scheme of delegation approved by the Board.

The Chair is accountable to the Welsh Ministers. Communications between the CVB Board and the Ministers shall, in the normal course of business, be conducted through the Chair. The Chair is responsible for ensuring the Board’s policies and actions support the Minister’s wider strategic policies, whilst also ensuring the CVB remains independent, and has an unfettered ability to comment and raise concerns based on evidence drawn from activities.

The Chair will also: 

-  ensure Board Members are kept informed of all such communications; 

- demonstrate a strong, visible passion and commitment to role of the CVB and its strategy; 

- ensure the CVBs affairs are conducted with probity; and 

- where appropriate, policies and actions are communicated and disseminated throughout the CVB. 

The Chair has a particular leadership responsibility for: 

- formulating the Board’s strategies;

- ensuring the Board, in reaching decisions, takes proper account of statutory and financial management requirements and all relevant guidance including guidance provided by the Welsh Ministers;

-  promoting the economic, efficient and effective use of staff and other resources;

-  promoting a culture within the organisation based on positive values and behaviours; 

-  ensuring high standards of regularity and propriety; and

- representing the views of the Board to the public.

The Chair must also:

- ensure all Board Members are briefed fully on the terms of their appointment and on their duties, rights and responsibilities;

- ensure they, together with other Board Members, receive appropriate training, including on the financial management and reporting requirements of public sector bodies, and on the differences which might exist between private and public sector practice;

- ensure the Board has a balance of skills appropriate to directing the CVB’s business, and advise the Minister, in instances where appointments are to be made by them, on the needs of the CVB when Board vacancies arise;

- assess the performance of individual Board members in accordance with the arrangements agreed with the sponsor team; and

- ensure a Code of Conduct for Board Members is in place consistent with the Welsh Government Model Code.

The Deputy Chair will, in addition to the responsibilities of Non-Executive Members of the Board:

-  provide strong, effective and visible leadership as agreed with the Chair, internally through the Board and its committees and externally through connections with a wide range of stakeholders and partners within the wider community; 

-  deputise for the Chair and lead the Board in the Chair’s absence, performing additional functions as agreed with the Chair.

In undertaking their duties and responsibilities all Board Members shall:

-  comply at all times with the CVB’s Code of Conduct for Board Members, and with the rules relating to the use of public funds and conflicts of interest; 

-  demonstrate their commitment to understanding and promoting, equality, diversity and inclusion;

- demonstrate their appreciation of bilingualism and culture, and a commitment to mainstreaming the Welsh language;

-  not misuse information gained in the course of their public service for personal gain or political profit, nor seek to use the opportunity of public service to promote their private interests or those of persons or organisations with whom they have a

- comply with the CVB’s rules on the acceptance of gifts and hospitality, and of business appointments; and 

- act always in good faith and in the best interests of the CVB.

Welsh language skills

The Welsh Government acknowledges the importance of developing and growing bilingual capabilities in public appointments in Wales, and welcomes applications from candidates who demonstrate their capability to work in both English and Welsh.  The following list of language requirements represents an objective assessment by the recruiting body of the Welsh language skills required to undertake the duties of this particular post.

Person specification

To be considered for the role of Chair, Deputy Chair of Non-Executive Member you must be able to demonstrate the following qualities and experience:

Essential Criteria

It is necessary to ensure the Board has the right experience and skills to ensure the success of the CVB. The Board collectively should possess the following range of experience. You may demonstrate experience in one or more areas:

- working in an environment where the views of the public/service users are demonstrably obtained and acted upon;
- the provision of advocacy services;
- strategic leadership;
- change management/ service improvement;
- workforce/ organisational development;
- partnership working;
- regulatory/ legal;
- business/ governance/ internal control;
- finance/ accounting;
- health;
- social care;
- communications/a marketing. 

The Chair will have the following knowledge and experience:

-  experience of operating at a senior strategic leadership level with knowledge and understanding of what is needed to advocate for and represent
   people and communities locally, regionally and nationally; 
-  a passion for, and commitment to, listening to and understanding the priorities of the Citizen with regard to health and social care;
-  ability to instil vision, and lead the development of the CVB in pursuit of achieving long and short-term goals;
-  ability to understand complex issues while demonstrating respect for the views of others; 
-  an excellent understanding of governance with an ability to ensure a Board works together effectively through its active involvement in a robust and
   transparent decision-making process; 
-  ability to motivate and develop the Board to define roles and responsibilities to ensure ownership and accountability; 
-  a clear commitment to understanding and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion; and
-  ability to show an appreciation of bilingualism and culture, and a commitment to promoting and mainstreaming of the Welsh language.

Desirable Criteria: ·

-  ability to speak Welsh.

Personal Attributes will include:

- strong interpersonal and influencing skills, and ability to act as an effective advocate and ambassador; 
- sound judgement, sensitivity and political awareness; and
- capacity to be independent and resilient.

Desirable Criteria:

- ability to speak Welsh.

The Non-Executive Members will have the following knowledge and experience:

- an understanding of the issues and priorities likely to be important to the CVB, and the ability to understand the role and work of the Board;
- an ability to hold the Chief Executive to account for performance whilst maintaining a constructive relationship;
- ability to think strategically and to exercise sound judgement on a range of sensitive and complex issues;
- ability to analyse and interpret detailed information; 
- an understanding of how diverse groups bring their lived experiences to the work of the organisation as transferable skills and experience

 In addition the Deputy Chair will have experience of a leadership role within the private, public or third sectors, with the ability to look ahead and provide strategic leadership

Personal Attributes will include:

-  good communication skills and the ability to engage with the public, employees, employee representatives and stakeholders to help shape,
   develop and improve services;- a clear commitment to understanding and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion; and

- ability to show an appreciation of bilingualism and culture, and a commitment to promoting and mainstreaming of the Welsh language.

In addition the Deputy Chair will have:

- the ability to be an effective advocate and ambassador, instilling vision, together with the ability to influence others;
- ability to facilitate understanding of complex issues while demonstrating respect for the views of others; 
- sound judgement, sensitivity and political awareness; and
- a strong understanding of engagement and advocacy services.

Interview dates

4 April 2022
8 April 2022

Closing date

01/02/2022, 16:00

Additional information


The Welsh Government will host three information sessions providing an introduction to the Citizen Voice Body and the roles, responsibilities and qualities of its Board members.  There will be an opportunity for questions regarding the new body or making an application.

A summary of the questions and answers will be available here week commencing 24 January


The final session will take place, via MS Teams, on Tuesday 25th January (11.30am – 12.30pm). If you would like to attend, please register your interest at


How to apply

To apply for this role, click on the ‘Apply’ button below. The first time you apply for a post, you will need to complete a registration form for the Welsh Government’s online application system.  You will only need to register once, and you will be able to keep yourself updated on the progress of your application, and any other applications you make, via your registered account.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to access the application form.  To apply you will need to submit two supporting documents. The first, a document outlining how your knowledge, skills and experiences meet the criteria for the role as outlined in the information for candidates.  This document should be no more than 2 sides of A4.  Your application may be rejected if you exceed this limit.  The second document is a full, up to date CV.  The two documents should be uploaded to the ‘Reasons for applying’ section of the online application form.

In your application, you will also be asked to provide details of any activities which have helped you to develop skills that would be useful in a public appointment role, and list the organisations for which you undertook these activities.  We also need to know about any political activity that you’ve undertaken over the last 5 years. 

It is recommended that you register for an account and access the application form as soon as possible so that you see how the application form is structured, before starting to prepare your evidence.  You don’t have to complete the application form all in one go.  You can save your responses, and log in and out as required, until you’re ready to submit – just follow the guidance in the application form.

If you’d like to apply for this opportunity in Welsh, please use the ‘Newid Iaith / Change Language’ link at the top of this page, to take you to the Welsh version of this advert, from which you can apply in Welsh.

If you need any further assistance in applying for this role, please contact the Welsh Government’s Public Appointments Team on

For further information about Public Appointments in Wales, please visit

Commissioner for Public Appointments logo

This vacancy is closed to applications.